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Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 11:56 pm
by Lord
Mallion, you could give permission to someone willing to convert it to pc... I would really like to play this :cry:

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:37 am
by m0nkey
Props to u man everyone at my lan party luvs playing with this mod. There should deff be nite vision on sniper rifle tho, if possible. And gost dropping gnades just isnt too cool to me. should give its regular guns back minus the shity freezing :shock:

Again great job! and thanx for showin love to where halo belongs, the box.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:12 am
by MasterNeoChief
Really nice skins!

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 8:12 am
by Mallion
Grendal - The reason it's all packed together and not in little packages is that I've personally tested this mod in it's infancy till it's current form & through them all, everyone has had various complaints. Your's however are about the mod itself. The mod is "A Night In Bloodgulch" not "A Night Time Mod Pack". Everything in the game counters something else to balance the playing field as much as possible. Example, the rocket launcher didn't home & was lethal in v1.0... However, because of the speed of the warthog, once an opposing member got your flag and got on the vehicle, there was no stopping them. Thus, the rockets gained homing, 10x zoom & greater speed to compensate for slow biped travel. That only made matters worse as there were now lethal, insanely fast, homing, 10x zoom rockets available & everyone was only going for that weapon. So, I tweaked it and made it just less then lethal which still makes it a great weapon on foot as well having the ability to stop someone from escaping with your flag while not completely taking away their chance of scoring every time.
As for the warthog & turrets, you're the first to complain about those so I'm not even going to address that.
The cricket sounds are annoying aren't they. LOL It's an ambient sound. When you're playing by yourself or just a friend you'll notice the noise because there isn't enough action going on to keep you distracted. If you go to a LAN party though with a bunch of people & don't mention the cricket sound ahead of time, I guarantee you no one will even mention it because it fades into the background after things start to heat up. When things die down again, they help set the feeling that you're really playing at night. I tried it without them and the other night sounds were so weak that they just fade right out and absolutely no one heard a damn thing which really defeats the point of having the sounds in the first place.

Dj Suppai Saru - Yes I did take the pics off my 36" RCA Xbox television. It's all I have as my video capture card took a dump on me. I know they're some what lacking but they're just there to basically let people see what there is to see.

m0nkey - Night vision is available for 4 or less players on system link. Basically 2 people per xbox or less. I don't know why you can only get night vision with 2 xbox's and 4 or less players, I assume it's that way to try and cut down on lag... Imagine 8 people all in night vision mode. I think it would get a bit choppy.
As for the ghost, I had toyed with the weapon on the ghost quite a bit & tried just about every projectile you can think of. I ended up finding a projectile I liked & put it on the ghosts in a Sidewinder mod I haven't released yet. So far everyone loves them... I was going to incorporate the same weapon onto the ghost in Bloodgulch but at the last minute I decided against it & stayed with the grenades from v1.0... However, I've killed myself with those damn grenades so many times I've lost count. Basically what it's going to take is for me to get so frustrated with them that I release v1.2 & have a ghost fix. :) In the short term though if they start to get the better of ya, you can use a program like Caragrapher to edit the ghost weapon back to whatever you want. This wasn't possible in v1.0 but because v1.1 is a complete rebuild I think I remember it being possible. Don't quote me on that though... Give it a shot and if people don't start falling through walls or disappearing, it's good. Hehe.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:25 pm
by Guest
What's caragrapher?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 2:25 pm
by Guest
great mod :P but the damn nades on the ghost keep killing me!!! try an fix but everything ellse is awesome. :D (totaly off topic. great halo mod gallery

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 2:26 pm
by Guest
great mod but the damn nades on the ghost keep killing me!!! try an fix but everything ellse is awesome. (totaly off topic. great halo mod gallery ) sorry i messed up the link this is the right one

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 8:01 pm
by Guest
:twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: Ok :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil:

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 8:22 am
by Grendal
Mallion--thanks for addressing my concerns. I've done a little bit of modding myself (mostly with HMT but a little bit of hex) so I can imagine how time consuming it could be, but if you have a patch that only changes the sounds, textures, and lighting lying around I would love to get my hands on it.

You did a pretty good job balancing it, but I still think Bungie did a better job originally.

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 9:42 am
by Guest
your mods are awesome but i cant play the downloaded ones on my computer :evil: can someone tell me how to play them!!!!!!!!!!

and the mods you created are !@#)&*$ awesome

please make the a night at blood gulch for pc. i really want it! could you please make it for pc

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:23 pm
by m0nkey
a sidewinder mod, i cant wait =]

that suks bout the nite vision, but i still think it should be in there. cause if u think about it theres only 2 snipe rifles on maps, and rarely over 4 people packin em. i dunno it just seems like too good of an addition to leave out. but its ur project and its damn sweet.
i think ive got sum good ideas and really wanna catch on. u suggest any good tuts? i am completely new to this :idea: but i catch on quick :idea:

Digicam crack

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 8:05 pm
by Dj Suppai Saru
Sry about the crack about asking if u took pics of ur screen...I forgot u had Xbox,lol. Freakin Awsome Mod btw!

halo blood gulch mod

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:55 am
by guest
how do i use this mod for my xbox?
do i have to have action replay or what?

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:59 am
by GaMe MaStErS rEvEnGe!!!!
How do i apply mods to my XBOX???????????

how do i get it to my xbox

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:28 am
by Cr-alo 2
mallion, will you please tell me how to get this download to my xbox? do i have to have a mod chip or what? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? [img]

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:04 pm
by Mallion
To use this mod on you're xbox you need it modded in one form or another... After you've got your modded xbox you start Halo & load the multiplayer map "Bloodgulch". Once the map is loaded, exit Halo & connect your Xbox to your PC. Browse through the X, Y, & Z directories. One of those dir will have a bunch of files. The file you want is Move it to your PC & use PPF-O-Matic to apply the mod to the cache file. Once it's applied, move it back to the Xbox from the same dir you got it from, overwriting the orginal cache with your modded one. Load up Halo & goto Bloodgulch, you should see the mod fully working. This is only a temp solution however as the modded cache file will be overwritten should you play a different game or load 3 different maps without returning to play Bloodgulch.
If you're looking to make the mod stick so that it's there all the time you need a program called WinHME to recompress the cache file.
All of the programs mentioned should be available on Xbins, please don't ask me for them. I'm not trying to be a dick but if you can't find'em on your own, you probably shouldn't be trying to mess with the map files anyway.


please make this for pc

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:10 pm
:cry: please make this nightime mod for the pc me and the rest of the [M2K] clan want it really bad but we only have the pc version of halo... please make a pc version of this :cry:

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 1:01 pm
by Guest

Night in the blood gulch pc

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:01 pm
[VC]CaptainValor wrote:Even from the screenshots I can tell it looks awesome. Great job! Please, PLEASE release a PC version of this mod!
Im EPIC not the person who made the night version for xbox but i have made it night in the blood gulch but its to big to up load its 73 mb to download it im me at hdude1389

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:37 pm
by McXavier
excellent mod, hte ONLY thing i would change is the damn nades, you look really stupid when are driving along, change direction and blow up