Extracting renamed tags.

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Extracting renamed tags.

Post by SpecOp44 »

So maybe you're making a mod, and have to rename tags, but need to extract them afterwards. Well, if you only rename it, then try to extract you'll get this error:

Here, I will explain a simple way to be able to extract renamed tags.

What you will need:
H2 Core
H2 Guerilla

If you've never used H2 Core or H2 Guerilla before, it would be a good idea to do so. You can get familiar with both here.

Let's start...
For an example, I'm going to create an extractable ITMC for the Fuel Rod Gun. There is no existing ITMC for it, because its only used in single player, and I need one in my map.

Step 1:
Alright start by opening your map in Entity (use 1.3, because that version kicks ass).

I need to create a new ITMC, (you can do this for any tag, I'm using ITMC as an example) so I'm going to scroll down to the ITMC tag and duplicate an ITMC with a long name (because when renaming you cannot use more characters than there were before you renamed).

Step 2:
Now close Entity, and open your map in ADI.

Proceed to renaming. Remember to keep the number of characters lower or equal to the original name.

Step 3:
We're done with ADI now. You can close it and open your map in H2 Core.

Once your map is open, go to Map > Decompile and wait until you get a message box that says "done".

Step 4:
Once the decompiling is complete, open H2 Guerilla, and open the scenario tag of your map.

This is because right now the tag isn't referenced in the scenario tag, and as such will not be built into our the map when you rebuild. As an alternative, you could reference it in the Netgame Equipment, in the [scrn] tag before decompiling your map. Either way works.

Once in the scenario tag of your map (if you don't know where the decompiled scenario tag is, simply look at the filepath of the [scrn] tag of your map in Entity, and follow that same path in the decompiled map's directory).

Step 5:
Scroll down to the Netgame Equipment section and swap an object that the map has more than one of with your new tag. In this case, I'm replacing the Brute Shot's ITMC for my new Fuel Rod Gun's ITMC (flak_gun.item_collection). After completing this hit "save".

Step 6:
Close H2 Guerilla, and open H2 Core.

This is the long and resource consuming part. Open your map in H2 Core again. Select the "rebuild" option "Map > Rebuild".

Select your scenario file, and hit rebuild (without having anything checked, like below)

Step 7:
After that's all done, you can now extract the new tag from your rebuilt map.

Note: It's always better to not rebuild your entire mod map, but rather use another map to do all of this, then extract the tag you need and discard the map afterwards. It works for me at least. >_>

Also, cloning with these tags in your map will probably break a few idents, so inject them when no more cloning is needed. Such as when you're near completion of your mod.
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