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Mod of the Month

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:17 pm
by JK-47
Mod of the Month

Welcome to the April 'mod of the month' competition. Before posting your
mods, please take the time to review this month's rules.


- All entries must be submitted by April 30th, at 11:59 PM. Anything submitted after that will not take place in the competition.

- All mods entered must follow Halomod�s standards, such as no pornography, etc.

- This month, there will be no theme or set standards. I'm giving you the freedom to do anything you would like. However, for those entering a Halo PC mod, I'm not allowing custom BSPs. I will allow custom content, such as weapons, scenery, vehicles, bipeds, etc. But no BSPs.
If you have any questions concerning this, feel free to ask me in a proper way (I don't want to hear "but i leik to maek new bspz foar mai modz ur a newb this is ghey im not competing").

- I don't want to see any complaining about rules in this topic (you may PM me if you have any complaints), and I don't want to see any fighting. If you give me grief, you will be disqualified from the competition. I'm doing this out of my free time, and my pocket (see prize). Like I said, if you have any questions, feel free to do so. But do so in a pleasant manor.

- This competition will be for the following games:
Halo 2 Xbox and Halo PC (Halo Mac will be accepted as well, as it is the same game, and can be used on both windows and macintosh operating systems).
For Halo PC, as I said previously, I will allow custom content (new scenery, new weapons, etc), but I will not accept any mods with a custom BSP.

- The voting will take place in a new topic. I will compile a list of the submitted/accepted mods, and you will base your vote on the user who made it. You may vote for yourself if you feel your mod is better.

- Don't be cheap. You may not submit a mod for both games in an attempt to win a prize at both. Give everybody an equal chance. If I see anyone post a mod for both games, I will disqualify you completely from this month's competition.

- Please limit your mod to one map only. I will not accept major mods that modify the whole game. Just one map. For the PC users who decide to do a skin/mod, you may post your map and I�m not looking to see huge game overhauls here :wink:

- If you are disqualified and would like to plead your case, PM me. Keep it out of the topic.

- When submitting your mod, there are a few requirements you must follow:

Mod name
Description of mod
Pictures and/or movie

You may do this in any format you like. But your submission must include the said requirements.

Rules are subject to change.


Assuming you read the rules, I'm going to go ahead and announce the prizes. I will be giving a first place prize to the winner of the Halo 2 competition, and one to the winner of the Halo PC competition.

1st place - $25 Gift Card to
The person who takes 1st place must PM me their e-mail address, so I can send them the email with the gift card.

2nd place - Badge/Signature/Avatar.

3rd place - Signature/Avatar showing they placed third in the MOTM competition.

You may be wondering what the Badge is. A Badge is a little image that goes under your signature to show you have gotten first or second place in a MOTM competition. The more you win, the higher rank you will be. Kinda like the military's rank system. I will post an image with all the ranking badges later on.

As I had said before, Halo 2 Xbox and Halo PC are more like separate competitions, within the same competition. So the prizing will be handed out according to the game.

Let the games begin!

Post your submissions in this topic. You may edit your submission, but only until April 30th, 11:59 PM.

Once again, I don�t want to see any fighting in this topic. If there is a real issue, report it to a staff member, or take it to PM�s. If there is any fighting, I will disqualify any member according to their place in the fight. Please, just leave it to staff if there are any issues.

I will allow discussion/questions to be posted in this topic.

I�m looking forward to seeing some submissions :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:04 am
by kibito87
lol Still want my help in handling this or you think you got it set?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:18 am
by ScottyGEE
It looks pretty set in stone to me...But I'm not JK >_> Anyway, I know I say this a lot, but hopefully this can motivate me to mod again :)

If I enter, I'll probably edit this post.

edit: was never really meant to try and say I'm "reserving" this spot. Heck it was more a thing to decrease spam by me only having one post in this thread. IF that was directed at me anyhow.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:22 am
by JacksonCougAr
So if I make some comment that means nothing... I can has reserved seating ?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:52 am
by Playkid
It could be fun to give Halo modding a last chance, i don't know yet if i join.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:06 am
by Tural
Reserving spots in competition threads is the absolute dumbest thing to ever do. It is spam, and it has no purpose. The time you submit your entry has no impact on the voting. As a matter of fact, I suggest JK organize submissions for voting alphabetically by author, so as to discourage the idiocy of spamming to reserve a spot in a thread that won't even exist when the voting comes around.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:13 am
by INSANEdrive
Yea its Old...Big woop...ect.

I submit INSANeffect

Unless I missed something about not being able to submit 2 year old ( or more ) mods. ( wow...has it been that long already >_> )

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:16 am
by theycallmechad
I think the purpose of this is to revitalize the Halo modding here, not to showcase past mods.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:16 am
by Munsie
Q: Badge as in SOTW-style "badges"?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:19 am
by INSANEdrive
theycallmechad wrote:I think the purpose of this is to revitalize the Halo modding here, not to showcase past mods.
Well than Im boned >_> Than again... where else too look at but the Past to Inspire, in the "golden Age" of PC Halo 1 Mods.

If My mod is considered be it.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:31 am
by CptnNsan0
I sign up!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:36 am
by Cryticfarm
Judges or poll?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:00 pm
by JK-47
Munsie wrote:Q: Badge as in SOTW-style "badges"?
In a way.
Cryticfarm wrote:Judges or poll?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:02 pm
by Darkness202
can we submit trial mods too because thats all i have been modding recently

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:23 pm
by hiheyhello
Andrew_B for his longest remake because it looks awesome

Heh this is a cool competition looks like im going to have to release a mod soon, iv'e only released one to the worl rest are just to some of my friends. :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:44 pm
by Munsie
hiheyhello wrote:NOMINATIONS: Pepsi for FTW!!
Andrew_B for his longest remake because it looks awesome
theycallmechad wrote:I think the purpose of this is to revitalize the Halo modding here, not to showcase past mods.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:07 pm
by Andrew_b
My longest was made march25th so its relatively knew. Although...Im working on A new _Redone Mod!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:26 pm
by JK-47
hiheyhello wrote:NOMINATIONS: Pepsi for FTW!!
Andrew_B for his longest remake because it looks awesome
Pepsi took down FTW, and as I said in the rules, I'm not going to accept large overhaul mods. Just one map mods. Also, a user has to enter his/her own mod in the competition, so I'm not going to accept nominations.
Darkness202 wrote:can we submit trial mods too because thats all i have been modding recently
If you would like. I would suggest Halo PC, though, due to the fact that more is possible.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:38 pm
by Andrew_b
Jk-47 said i could put this mod in because it was made right before april :P

Ok. Well i enter Longest_Redone


Longest that i reskinned and did some lighting tweaks. Tried to make it as awesome as possible. Also playing online is so fun. Especially snipers because you need the night vision for the hallways :P.


Download Here

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:42 pm
by JK-47
Could you please post it in the format in the rules? It will make it easier for me when I compile all the submissions for voting.

Mod name

Edit: Thanks :wink: