What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by GametagAeonFlux »

Locke wrote:2. To the Halomods staff members that quit because of a new look and change of leadership. A lot of what I said about Tural applies to you as well. Don't start yelling to abandon ship. You are the crew and the members are the passengers. They trust you. Try to save the ship before you jump overboard. If you tell everyone it's time to leave by being the example, everyone will leave and the ship that has been your home for years will sink. Take charge of the situation and don't panic.
This is not at all why we left. Locke, don't talk as if you have any idea what's going on, because clearly you don't.

And for that matter, everyone who is assuming their own reasons as to why any staff member resigned, don't post. Because you're just going to say slanderous crap with no basis other than your personal thoughts, and it's going to make everyone (including yourself) look bad.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by WaeV »

The new halomods doesn't like to keep me logged in. :P

I just realized that this is no longer forums.halomods! It's halomods.com/forums/! Heh, I remember when this was files.halomods.

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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by nintendo9713 »

Is this really the worst thing that could happen to halomods? I've been browsing since 05 and member since 06 and its gone through some changes even in the short time I've been here. Sure we have a new look, and completely caught me off-guard, but is the color going to ruin the site? And sure, we have additional modding sections, which I assume will experience little activity, but if it does, don't go to it. It appears to be an uncomfortable change for the vast majority, but there seems to be a lot of jumping on the bandwagon. Staff quit, so what? Sourceguy most likely has plenty of people that can monitor the board and do the Staff's job. They weren't designing the site. Its a shame Sourceguy took on this site when there was no activity but in the cafe section and poured his time and effort for people to make ridiculous signatures about "Halomods, WAT?" Are you going to stop modding halo because there's a section for ipod Modding? I'm very grateful that Sourceguy will keep this site going on and I hope it stays for a while. It's been my homepage since 2006, and I wouldn't rather any other homepage for me. Within a few hours of the site change, everything just seems to fall apart because the members don't agree. If Sourceguy never changed anything and it was just a post, "Hey guys, I'm going to start paying the bill for your entertainment, message the staff if you have problems and they can contact me," then the site would still experience 0 activity. Halo 1 xbox is LONG dead. Halo 1 CE is a new map every 2 weeks. Halo PC is here and there also. Halo 2, I don't remember the last mod before Ruins was posted. Halo 3, you can't unless you have all this special equipment that the general population doesn't have. People have sadly lost interest and desire to continue modding. H2Vista came out but nothing spectacular has happened. Starting to see some halo 1 BSP ports to H2 vista, which I've downloaded and played. The fact of the matter is, if you don't like it, be more civilized about it. This is a free site, free to join at any time site to encourage users to modify one of the greatest video game franchises, and there is one guy who offered to pay the bill when no one else would. I see that a new t-shirt is being designed and I hope people buy it. Support the people who brings this to you. Many members seem to live for this site as do I. I remember in 06, all I did was eat, breathe, and sleep modding. I check this site 10 times a day, waiting for new mods that were flowing in left and right. Just be calm about it. Grenadiac left it to Sourceguy because he trusted him, and he's been through it all. They worked hard, and here it is.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by INSANEdrive »

Locke wrote:This is the first post I've made in a long time, and it will be the last post I ever make on Halomods. Now, since I'm not worried about the consequences I will be perfectly honest. Its a Small world.

1. Tural, you need to grow up. Plain and simple. I can't fathom you ever having a job that would require you to communicate with people above being a Walmart greeter. Have you ever had a boss before? Have you ever had a job? The answer from what I've seen is no. You have a problem with authority. Let me explain a little bit about the real world. If your boss tells you to do something, you do it. When the company makes a drastic change you roll with it. You have to put your own issues aside and listen to what the man in charge has to say. You don't quit the company, you don't complain, you just stick with it. You need to be a team player even if you hate what the team does. That's has you keep a job. That's how you excell. That's how you suceed. You don't give up because of a small change. Instead of quitting why not get onboard with SourceGuy and use your knowledge of the forum members to improve the site. A forum change is not the end of the world. Don't be an idiot. Embrace the new Admin and quit your bitching. Deal with it. Lastly, you don't have to be a *** to the members here. You will never be a good leader if you treat the people below you like they are not worthy enough to shine your shoes. What you say...does have truth. He is a Robot after all...but...

2. To the Halomods staff members that quit because of a new look and change of leadership. A lot of what I said about Tural applies to you as well. Don't start yelling to abandon ship. You are the crew and the members are the passengers. They trust you. Try to save the ship before you jump overboard. If you tell everyone it's time to leave by being the example, everyone will leave and the ship that has been your home for years will sink. Take charge of the situation and don't panic. Depends on the individual.

3. How many times has the forum changed? I would say atleast 3 times since I've been a member on this site for roughly 5 years.It has been 3, the first was in between, second that ever lovely dark blue, the third bright baby blue. This is the forth. Every time a major one happens, you complain. But guess what? A month from now you won't care.I never liked the Bright baby blue...and every time I got a chance, I spoke about my distaste. No one cared...so I begrudgingly moved on and poked every now and again. Look towards the future and stop just seeing today. Also, you can repaint a house and everything inside will still be the same. Just because of a new look you assume that everything has changed. Yes, changes where made but your friends are still here. Halomods is a community. Start acting like it. Rawr.

4. Halomods is branching out. Including other games into the forums is a great idea. It's what this place needs to continue to grow. Let me give you an example. There was a club that only accepted members who worked at a particular place in a particular year. The job they had no longer exists. It took them 30 years to figure out that the only way their club would survive is if they took away a lot of the limitations for member ship since the current members would eventually grow old and die. This forum has to expand beyond Halo if it is to stand the test of time. Halo will not be around for forever. Without branching out, I would give this forum a year or two at most. This is the one thing I have been silently pondering for quite some time now. Halomods exists because of the Homegrown tools. We need more. I personally think that the other games should be part of a sister site. I know why it probably won't happen though. Each part with its specialty. This thought is still ongoing...

5. Lastly, accept SourceGuy because he is one of the few people that actually wanted to step up and take on the role of leading a forum that everyone says is dead. It is an amazing challenge. Instead of sitting around complaining how the forums are rotting away he is actually doing something about it's current situation. He is taking action.He just proceeded the action incorrectly. It will involve a lot of trial and error and I honor him for the commitment he is showing to a cause that appeared at one point lost. Do not fight him but fight along side him and save Halomods. Why I? Why We? Why not Us? This is how we shall make progress.

I wanted to end with something inspirational but instead I would like to explain a few things about myself. I have been here at Halomods and a staff member at Halomods for 5 years. As an Admin. I know. I am resigning because I will not be able to contribute anything more to this site. I work full time and am shipping out into the military in less than three months so it is pointless that I stay. Semper Fi? That being said, I would like to come clean. Since I got to bash Tural, it is only fair that I critisize myself. When I became staff back in 2004, I was an idiot. No matter how old you get... you look back two years and can say the same thing...always. I recieved the staff job because I knew which strings to pull and when to pull them. I'm not a great guy in any way shape or form. I've lied to everyone here multiple times and any claim to fame I had is largely in part to me ripping off someone elses work. I've stolen more source code than I want to admit, and most tools I've created were someone elses work with modifications. The things that I created were not real most of the time. There was a reason I really didn't release anything and that was because it was all a shell meant to fool the general public. It looked nice but it never did anything. Almost everything I've claimed to have discovered is and was a lie. Sure I've figured out a few things because I'm ocd about finding codes and patterns and figuring out how stuff works. But a lot of the time my "findings" were ripped from my friends. And for that I am truely sorry.I forgive you I say this because none of it matters. I am being open an honest because none of this matters. No...It all matters. It Is Mistake that you made. Discarding it like trash only makes you backwards. Stop taking the internet so seriously and learn to hang out and not complain about most stuff because none of it matters. Now can everyone just quit this ***, work together, and keep Halomods alive?

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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Tural »

Locke wrote:1. Tural, you need to grow up. Plain and simple. I can't fathom you ever having a job that would require you to communicate with people above being a Walmart greeter. Have you ever had a boss before? Have you ever had a job? The answer from what I've seen is no. You have a problem with authority. Let me explain a little bit about the real world. If your boss tells you to do something, you do it. When the company makes a drastic change you roll with it. You have to put your own issues aside and listen to what the man in charge has to say. You don't quit the company, you don't complain, you just stick with it. You need to be a team player even if you hate what the team does. That's has you keep a job. That's how you excell. That's how you suceed. You don't give up because of a small change. Instead of quitting why not get onboard with SourceGuy and use your knowledge of the forum members to improve the site. A forum change is not the end of the world. Don't be an idiot. Embrace the new Admin and quit your bitching. Deal with it. Lastly, you don't have to be a *** to the members here. You will never be a good leader if you treat the people below you like they are not worthy enough to shine your shoes.
You know, nevermind. This post is a waste of mine time and an argument I don't care about. You don't know why we left, you don't know what went on behind the scenes, you made no attempt to find out, and now you're here proclaiming things as though you did. You have no idea what happened. Glad you're leaving, as it would seem you care no more about integrity and the community now than you did in the past, based on those closing statements.
Last edited by Tural on Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by JunkfoodMan »

Heh, drama.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Tural »

WaeV wrote:I just realized that this is no longer forums.halomods! It's halomods.com/forums/! Heh, I remember when this was files.halomods.
The User Forum was halomods.com/forums at the same time the Files Forum was up.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by guysullavin »

I dont dislike it.

but Tural isn't a moderator anymore?!?!?!

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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by WaeV »

Tural wrote:The User Forum was halomods.com/forums at the same time the Files Forum was up.
They were different?
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Tural »

There were two separate forums, yes. When people refer to the merge, they're talking about how three (I think it was three) years ago, the databases from both forums were merged and it went to forums.halomods.com, and then there was one.

January 2007.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by HPDarkness »

I really don't like how lots of sites and products are completely changing their looks. But I can get used to that.

I, like many other people. Don't know what went on behind the scenes with all the moderators, and problems with the big change. But I'm just hoping it gets all worked out, I'd hate to see some of HaloMods leave and fall apart.


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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Vinx »

What I don't understand is if you guys keep telling everyone "you don't understand why we left, so don't talk about it." But yet you guys keep bringing it up. This is a forum after all, so anyone can discuss what they want when it is within the rules. If you don't want them to discuss things they don't correctly understand, then either stop talking about it and move on, bring it to PM, or fully explain why you decided to step down. Because otherwise, you guys just sound moronic complaining about something that no one but a few staff and former staff members understand in the public forums.

Personally I think change is good. The addition of the "Other modding" section or whatever it is called is a great idea. Yes maybe it should go under the "Misc" section because this is still a halo modding website and board after all, but it's a good idea to have a place for people to get away from the regular halo modding but still be around the people they have gotten to know over the years. The site does feel a bit rushed though, there was no one in IRC yesterday to help people (such as pt who wanted to hide something at the time) and the layout feels extremely congested on the front page. I'm not sure if its just me or what, but that is how it seems.

Also, I absolutely agree that the whole staff (not just the former dev team) should have been notified at LEAST a week in advance to discuss the redesign of the site and forums. Just because a few people stepped up to help do the redesign does not make them better than the rest. Knowing many of the staff members here, if they had the abilities to code or make the graphics, they definitely would have. They all have put in a fair share of their time over the years. I have faith that SourceGuy will listen to everyone's opinions and take them into account as the year goes on. However, he is the one forking over the extra cash (assuming that he has to do that) to keep this site alive so ultimately, it is his decision.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by guysullavin »

now that i think of it, forums.halomods is sorta like GM and Ford right now. they were both dieing slowly and then they took chances and tried something new to gain popularity.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by shadowkhas »

guysullavin wrote:now that i think of it, forums.halomods is sorta like GM and Chrysler right now. they were both dieing slowly and then they took chances and tried something new to gain popularity.
Fixed that for ya.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Spartan III »

Stupidly I posted this in the related news thread the other day, but anyway, here's my opinion of the new HaloMods.
As a good friend of SourceGuy and an old HaloMods veteran, I'd like to congratulate the whole team behind this. This is definitely a job well done. The forum looks brilliant in a whole new modern form while maintaining the original HaloMods colour theme. Heck, it all looks so good, I'm considering becoming a poster here again. I look forward to seeing this community redevelop and rise from the ashes. :) (No offence intended, but I think it kind of died.) Oh, and finally, even though I doubt he'll read this... Grenadiac, good luck. Thanks for developing such a wonderful community. I wish you and your family the best.
I think it's childish that staff members are leaving, for seemingly immature reasons. Those behind this new design created it with good intent. The new look is clean and highly functional. The new modding forums are there to breathe new life into the community. I was a moderator here years ago, and if you guys need anyone to lend a hand, the PM button is just to the left.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Geo »

Everyone is to drop the 'staff members leaving' thing.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by WaeV »

What does 'Forum manger' imply?
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Aumaan Anubis »

He's an admin.
Tural wrote:MrMurder, we're going to hold you to that promise.
It is expected, and demanded.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Geo »

WaeV wrote:What does 'Forum manger' imply?
I manage the forums. It's relatively self-explanatory. :wink:
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by xXFeRcHoXx »

zomfg why so bright omg omg my eyes hurt O_O help call the firefighters i'm bleeding ¬¬