What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Tural »

SourceGuy wrote:but again, a minorty of the staff felt that this change was a bad one: They were in favor of stricter moderation.
Again, I would really have preferred to solve these issues with my staff and keep them on, rather than to deal with these prompt resignations.
The minority: Six of the ten staff members (And all 6 are arguably the most active, excluding Ketchup). The active staff didn't like it. And don't act like you would have wanted to solve these issues with staff. I've been talking to you constantly over the last week and any time I disagreed with you, which was always, I got the answer "I'm the boss" or "my answer is final." You had no interest in working it out, you only had an interest in changing our minds, that's not how diplomacy works, and don't try to mislead people in to thinking that's what you were doing, because it wasn't.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Aumaan Anubis »

SHOUTrvb wrote:I also fail to see where the word "blame" is coming out Aumaan's posts.. We noted your constructive parts of your posts; I was just addressing the non-constructive parts.
Maybe 'accuse' is a better word. But the diction isn't what you should focus on in my posts.

And the main part of my post, is that you're addressing the negative aspects, but not thanking individual people for their constructive comments.
Tural wrote:MrMurder, we're going to hold you to that promise.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by RaVNzCRoFT »

I have mixed feelings about this.

It's nice to have some change, although it'll be difficult to adjust to and I don't necessarily agree with the manner in which the changes were executed.

However, I see no need to resign or anything like that. For now, I'll trust SourceGuy's judgment and see what the future brings.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by SHOUTrvb »

Tural, I'm going to lock this thread temporarily to help get organized attention in my new thread here. This thread has been useful, but I need to encourage organized opinion gathering, so we'll just use this as a reference start.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Tural »

SHOUTrvb wrote:I would certainly have [locked] it whether Tural was Staff or not.
Because developers outrank staff and it makes it okay to undermine their ability to voice an opinion. Interesting. Also worth noting that I was not allowed to say I disagreed with the admin while I was a staff member. I made this exact thread "I dislike it," and my post was deleted because, as staff, I was not allowed to have a disagreeing opinion. Felt everyone should know that. SourceGuy did not let me say I didn't like the change, which is why I resigned on the spot. I don't like that I'm censored if I express dissatisfaction with anything.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by DrXThirst »

As I said before, Halomods has been handed over to a dictator.

Detox quoted me in his signature.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by SHOUTrvb »

I wasn't aware of such a call from SourceGuy; I believe you though. I can see why he would want the Staff to be unified, and I don't agree with how you went about posting your problem with the changes. However, your initial reasons were just. Please stop pulling rank into this. As I and many of the Developers have said in the past, that's not a factor for us. I guess you could say I'm "one of the guys". I'm not Staff here, I'm just a developer.

DrXThirst: Read my thread. Also, there's absolutely nothing constructive about reposting the same pointless statement. Seriously, get real. :/
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by WaeV »

I've been using phpBB2 boards for many years, and BB3 just seems weird. The default style is nothing like subsilver.

Since we are starting on a 'fresh slate' of a forum in terms of customizations etc, we should have serveral skins to pick from. preferably including that one someone found that makes BB3 look like BB2.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Tural »

SHOUTrvb wrote:Please stop pulling rank into this. As I and many of the Developers have said in the past, that's not a factor for us. I guess you could say I'm "one of the guys". I'm not Staff here, I'm just a developer.
You said you would have locked my topic even if I was staff, when SG, and two staff members, just went through a huge ordeal over staff locking/messing with other staff threads. How is that not about rank for you to override a staff member and undermine their posting? You made it about rank, you said you would lock a staff member's thread, which puts you above them in. You said that, not me. I assume you have access to the staff board, and if so, I suggest you go read Iron_Forge's mandate and the thread between Geo and Gametag. You do not lock or modify another staff member's thread.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Locke »

This is the first post I've made in a long time, and it will be the last post I ever make on Halomods. Now, since I'm not worried about the consequences I will be perfectly honest.

1. Tural, you need to grow up. Plain and simple. I can't fathom you ever having a job that would require you to communicate with people above being a Walmart greeter. Have you ever had a boss before? Have you ever had a job? The answer from what I've seen is no. You have a problem with authority. Let me explain a little bit about the real world. If your boss tells you to do something, you do it. When the company makes a drastic change you roll with it. You have to put your own issues aside and listen to what the man in charge has to say. You don't quit the company, you don't complain, you just stick with it. You need to be a team player even if you hate what the team does. That's has you keep a job. That's how you excell. That's how you suceed. You don't give up because of a small change. Instead of quitting why not get onboard with SourceGuy and use your knowledge of the forum members to improve the site. A forum change is not the end of the world. Don't be an idiot. Embrace the new Admin and quit your bitching. Deal with it. Lastly, you don't have to be a dick to the members here. You will never be a good leader if you treat the people below you like they are not worthy enough to shine your shoes.

2. To the Halomods staff members that quit because of a new look and change of leadership. A lot of what I said about Tural applies to you as well. Don't start yelling to abandon ship. You are the crew and the members are the passengers. They trust you. Try to save the ship before you jump overboard. If you tell everyone it's time to leave by being the example, everyone will leave and the ship that has been your home for years will sink. Take charge of the situation and don't panic.

3. How many times has the forum changed? I would say atleast 3 times since I've been a member on this site for roughly 5 years. Every time a major one happens, you complain. But guess what? A month from now you won't care. Look towards the future and stop just seeing today. Also, you can repaint a house and everything inside will still be the same. Just because of a new look you assume that everything has changed. Yes, changes where made but your friends are still here. Halomods is a community. Start acting like it.

4. Halomods is branching out. Including other games into the forums is a great idea. It's what this place needs to continue to grow. Let me give you an example. There was a club that only accepted members who worked at a particular place in a particular year. The job they had no longer exists. It took them 30 years to figure out that the only way their club would survive is if they took away a lot of the limitations for member ship since the current members would eventually grow old and die. This forum has to expand beyond Halo if it is to stand the test of time. Halo will not be around for forever. Without branching out, I would give this forum a year or two at most.

5. Lastly, accept SourceGuy because he is one of the few people that actually wanted to step up and take on the role of leading a forum that everyone says is dead. It is an amazing challenge. Instead of sitting around complaining how the forums are rotting away he is actually doing something about it's current situation. He is taking action. It will involve a lot of trial and error and I honor him for the commitment he is showing to a cause that appeared at one point lost. Do not fight him but fight along side him and save Halomods.

I wanted to end with something inspirational but instead I would like to explain a few things about myself. I have been here at Halomods and a staff member at Halomods for 5 years. I am resigning because I will not be able to contribute anything more to this site. I work full time and am shipping out into the military in less than three months so it is pointless that I stay. That being said, I would like to come clean. Since I got to bash Tural, it is only fair that I critisize myself. When I became staff back in 2004, I was an idiot. I recieved the staff job because I knew which strings to pull and when to pull them. I'm not a great guy in any way shape or form. I've lied to everyone here multiple times and any claim to fame I had is largely in part to me ripping off someone elses work. I've stolen more source code than I want to admit, and most tools I've created were someone elses work with modifications. The things that I created were not real most of the time. There was a reason I really didn't release anything and that was because it was all a shell meant to fool the general public. It looked nice but it never did anything. Almost everything I've claimed to have discovered is and was a lie. Sure I've figured out a few things because I'm ocd about finding codes and patterns and figuring out how stuff works. But a lot of the time my "findings" were ripped from my friends. And for that I am truely sorry. I say this because none of it matters. I am being open an honest because none of this matters. Stop taking the internet so seriously and learn to hang out and not complain about most stuff because none of it matters. Now can everyone just quit this shit, work together, and keep Halomods alive?

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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by diamondbackk60 »

I think it looks great but would look better with this new logo :) VVVV lol ( on a serious note yes it looks grrrreat and needed a change)
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by DrXThirst »

Locke, nice to see you post... it was a rather nice one. Although I don't agree with your choice to leave the forums, or join the military for that matter, I think you did alot more here than you see in yourself. Sad to see you go, and nice to know you. Goodbye. :)
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by shadowkhas »

Once again, it isn't just the exterior change that's caused differing attitudes between those of us who have left and the current Staff...
DrXThirst wrote:[...]or join the military for that matter
On the contrary, I do.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by warlord »

shadowkhas wrote:Once again, it isn't just the exterior change that's caused differing attitudes between those of us who have left and the current Staff...
Indeed we've had this conversation and i think with a little bit of work both sides things may slowly return to normal.
So could i ask we all move onto the next subject before this turns to a broken record?
SHOUTrvb wrote:I'm in love with Tural, but I keep having all these negative discussions with him.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by SpecOp44 »

The other modding sections aren't needed.

And I think the 'online' thing is annoying, it's a cool little feature....but should be made into something more subtle.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Trulife8342 »

To end this whole bitching of the new sections I want you to look at xbox-scene WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE, Now most of those people are fan boys, They love the xbox 360, Their name is xbox-scene, Can anyone explain why they have a PS3 Modding FORUM, And wii, psp sub forum? Everyone here needs to grow the fuck up, All of you people bitching just chill out. I understand your upset, But it is not going to change anything. You honestly have two options stay and accept the change or simply just leave. I have many friends here and that is more important to me then a stupid fucking theme or someone else having power. My friendships on this site make me swallow my pride and accept these changes with open arms. So to those of you that don't it just goes to show how much this site and its members truly mean to you.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Aumaan Anubis »

Trulife8342 wrote:To end this whole bitching of the new sections I want you to look at xbox-scene WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE,
Lost my attention.

Don't claim to know what people've done. Those who do look like fools.
Tural wrote:MrMurder, we're going to hold you to that promise.
It is expected, and demanded.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Trulife8342 »

Is that honestly your argument? Wow you really trying to prove an illogical point. You complain about this not being halomods dude to other sections being here and yet you say that xbox-scene isn't a huge reference of knowledge to members at this forum. And choose to refute my argument due to a valid statement. Learn not to to take things to a literal extent. It only makes you seem illogical.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by Aumaan Anubis »

Calm down, pal.

I wasn't trying to prove anything. It was an independent statement.
Tural wrote:MrMurder, we're going to hold you to that promise.
It is expected, and demanded.
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Re: What do you think of the "new Halomods"?

Post by WaeV »

I think I could get used to a new theme. I think what made reading posts weird was how my eyes were trained to look x pixels over from the left, and it was wider than i was used to. But it's slightly better now.