Marijuana debate

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Where do you stand?

Legalize it
Decriminalize it
Keep it illegal
Total votes: 72

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Post by Tural »

[cc]z@nd! wrote:it really stands a chance this election since the economy is going to be an issue, and i think people would like to find a way to decrease government spending, especially after the iraq war cost us a couple trillion. i'd like to see it legalized since the pros greatly outweigh the cons in this one.
Not really. People will still think it is taboo, regardless of facts. If a major candidate suggested legalizing it, it would be political suicide.
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Post by OwnZ joO »

Tural wrote:
[cc]z@nd! wrote:it really stands a chance this election since the economy is going to be an issue, and i think people would like to find a way to decrease government spending, especially after the iraq war cost us a couple trillion. i'd like to see it legalized since the pros greatly outweigh the cons in this one.
Not really. People will still think it is taboo, regardless of facts. If a major candidate suggested legalizing it, it would be political suicide.
Yeah old people that are set in their ways are going to have to die before there could be any progress.

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Post by hollow121314 »

GametagAeonFlux wrote:
hollow121314 wrote:I like how people are like "It's not as bad as the other drugs make it legal". Why do people need to do drugs to feel good about themselves?
Because we live in a sad, sad world. Stress from work, family, self, news, etc. **** idk.

It's their decision to do drugs, and if you don't want to do them, great...but if they do, I don't think you have the right to tell them it's wrong.
I know, people can do as they please as long as its not hurting anyone/anything but i can think of sooo many other and safer things i could do to "relieve stress"other than dry a plant out and inhale the smoke of its burning body.
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Post by Xero »

hollow121314 wrote:
GametagAeonFlux wrote:
hollow121314 wrote:I like how people are like "It's not as bad as the other drugs make it legal". Why do people need to do drugs to feel good about themselves?
Because we live in a sad, sad world. Stress from work, family, self, news, etc. **** idk.

It's their decision to do drugs, and if you don't want to do them, great...but if they do, I don't think you have the right to tell them it's wrong.
I know, people can do as they please as long as its not hurting anyone/anything but i can think of sooo many other and safer things i could do to "relieve stress"other than dry a plant out and inhale the smoke of its burning body.
Who said it was to relieve stress? Ever think people just smoke pot because they enjoy it?
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Post by OwnZ joO »

hollow121314 wrote:
GametagAeonFlux wrote:
hollow121314 wrote:I like how people are like "It's not as bad as the other drugs make it legal". Why do people need to do drugs to feel good about themselves?
Because we live in a sad, sad world. Stress from work, family, self, news, etc. **** idk.

It's their decision to do drugs, and if you don't want to do them, great...but if they do, I don't think you have the right to tell them it's wrong.
I know, people can do as they please as long as its not hurting anyone/anything but i can think of sooo many other and safer things i could do to "relieve stress"other than dry a plant out and inhale the smoke of its burning body.
K? So don't do it... Nobody is forcing it upon you if it becomes legalized, I'm sure it would be subject to any anti-smoking laws of your city or state. Just because you don't want to do it doesn't mean it should be kept illegal.
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Post by Iron_Forge »

Marijuana isn't officially decriminalized in Canada...There was some discussion for it, and it was never passed...

It will never be anything other than illegal in the USA due to the massive brainwashing of a generation on the war on drugs...Which for you younger viewers at home, was created in an attempt to distract everyone from Vietnam, which wasn't exactly popular at the time...

I'm not going to waste anyones time linking to studies...Studies change with every year, and between who's doing the study, as to what their findings are...Even now scientists are saying drinking alcohol in moderation is actually good for you...I will however provide some common sense facts...

Way back when, the USA had something called prohibition...They outlawed alcohol...Now, us grown ups liked alcohol, so outlawing it didn't stop it...What it did do, was create mafias (what are now called gangs)...Now, mafias liked money, and didn't like sharing money...So they killed each other in the streets...Sort of like gangs do now...And as always, bystanders get hurt in the process...On top of that, many people built their own distilleries, and created moonshine or "bathtub gin"...Problem being, lots of them also didn't know what they were doing, and done wrong, such things contain poisons...Poisons kill people...

To relate this to the question at hand, by being illegal, there is a giant drug trade created...It's not going to go away, there is a large quantity of money to be made...Money without questions asked leads to violence, which leads to death...People die over drugs...Add to this equation, there is no regulation of the black market, so that simple harmless marijuana you're smoking could be laced with any number of items, items that aren't so harmless...It happens...Also, without regulation, anyone anywhere can obtain anything they please...Last I checked, the local drug houses don't ask for ID...

Comparing this back to modern day alcohol...I drink...Some would consider to excess...It's my body, my choice...But that
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Post by Evilsnowflakes »

Iron_Forge wrote: Really the only argument against it, is healthcare...Canada has a (somewhat) socialized healthcare system...That means my taxes pay for you when you get sick because you're an idiot...In the US, I don't see this as being such a big issue...
Until either Obama or Hillary get elected, than it becomes an issue that I don't want to deal with. But on topic, yes it can be used to cure diseases but I just see people abusing it more than what it already is.
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Post by StinkyDiaper »

I say legalize the stuff for two reasons.

1) No matter what you will never be able to stop it. I mean think about it, I bet about 20%-30% of the cops that arrest someone with weed on them will take it for themselves and not report the criminal for having weed. And on top of that it is extremely easy to grow. I'm sure that a small percent of the US population has a marijuana plant somewhere on their land or in their house that they are growing. I know from seeing it that you can keep enough marijuana for yourself in a decent sized plant pot. So with people growing it in their home they can have easy access and can get rid of it quick if need be.

2) It isn't that bad for you. If you buy cigarettes it's almost like paying for cancer, and marijuana can ease glaucoma symptoms. So cigarettes cause pain and marijuana can ease pain.

Thats why I think marijuana should be legal.
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Post by OwnZ joO »

What diseases does it cure, last I heard it doesn't cure anything. It gives cancer patients their appitite back and they're not sure anymore whether it helps ease the effects of glaucoma. Anyway I agree with Iron Forge, except legalizing it wouldn't get rid of all gangs(not that he said it would), because there would still be many other drugs to traffic. I just think it's harmless and shouldn't be illegal.
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Post by theycallmechad »

Am I safe to assume that the #1 reason people here want it legalized (or even decriminalized) is because they don't want to have to sneak around anymore to smoke it? Legal or not, those of you who smoke weed will still smoke weed. What's the point in legalizing it? To drive down prices (because it would)? You all throw out these "great" economic benefits and the such, but all I see are people who want it legalized for their own good.

I'm not bagging on pot-heads (My pot smoking friends don't find this term offensive, so I am making the assumption that you here won't either), I'm merely identifying how I see the "pro-legalization" side of this debate.

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Post by Tural »

Well you are wrong.

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Post by Patrickssj6 »

You Americans have enough problems right fact that disgusts me is that recently there was that Spitzer thing going on (ironically enough "spitz" in German means having a boner) where everyone focused on that drama where at the same time Bush vetoed against an illegalization of a torturing method.

Weed is legal in the Netherlands. It's not like all the neighboring countries drive there (you don't need to be an adult and you don't even need your real passport to cross EU borders) just to smoke some weed.
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Post by Danke »

I change my mind. Legalize it so the DEA will actually do their job and stop the other drugs from getting around. And Jesus H. Christ, do something about prescription drugs. If I see another person do something insanely stupid on xanax, I'm going to kill them.
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Post by Ombre »

Tural wrote:Well you are wrong.
Tural is right. I haven't and never will smoke pot, yet I still want to see it legalized. Your assumption is like me saying "All people against legalization are religious believers who only want it to be illegal because their church tells them it's evil." As you can see, that simply isn't true, and is a huge fallacy.

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Post by Cobain »

All i see when people smoke marijuana is a lack of motivation.
And it compromises their judgment.
People are not them selves when Under the influence.
it puts their mind in a vulnerable state, and many times they are taken advantage of.
And there are also many health RISks, not benefits from marijuana...for instance in 1 joint there is more tar than and numerous cigarettes.

Marijuana makes you lazy, and ruins your relationships almost as much as W.O.W.

My dad happens to smoke it , because of his M.S. but he like many others has a lack of self control, and smokes more than the prescribed amounts, but he doesn't just get it from a doctor, but he illegally buys it from dealers.

He isn't him self when he is high, And i Harbor so much Hatred for it.
It shouldn't be legalized, and punishment for the use should be severe.<--(i think i spelled that wrong),

I really dislike the use and existence of marijuana. it should be Illegal.
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Post by SHOUTrvb »

Cobain, you're wrong on several counts. I have several friends who smoke AND drink massive amounts and work extraordinarily hard, and have very nice (good-looking) relationships. And though I feel for you with your home issues, I'm afraid that making marijuana legal or illegal wouldn't help that. That responsibility is between you and your father. For the most part, I'm with Ombre is the sense that even though I haven't smoked it, I'm all for legalization. It's good in more ways than bad. And thanks for posting here, Iron_Forge; finally someone who can make a good long post filled with reason. :)
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Post by Tural »

You can't trust that drunkard!
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Post by Hawaiian Modder »

From what I've heard marijuana has very little effects on your thinking. The worst that could happen is you forget what you were talking about. After reading a couple of Harvard studies (If you want I could find the links) it proves that yes Marijuana has more of the thing that causes cancer, but in weak concentrations. Leaving the body to easily seek out and destroy an infection. If you only consumed Marijuana you would have no long-lasting effects that could alter your life. Consuming Marijuana is as safe as eating School Lunch.
The only reason Marijuana is not legalized is because...
A.) It's to hard to grow
B.) The government can't make a profit off of it
C.) It's to expensive to grow compared to the price they could sell it for.
D.) Why would the government do anything sense able that a bunch of potheads want.

I personally think that legalizing Marijuana would be cool, but no president would have a reason to do it except to get votes (More that 2/3'rds of america has tried Marijuana) and for their own personal reasons.

Furthermore, I doubt it is going to be legalized, though I think it should. I also think they should take cigarettes of the market, but I know that that will not happen.

Oh, and Hi everyone, I'm back for awhile. :P
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Post by Tural »

Hawaiian Modder wrote:The only reason Marijuana is not legalized is because...
A.) It's to hard to grow
B.) The government can't make a profit off of it
C.) It's to expensive to grow compared to the price they could sell it for.
D.) Why would the government do anything sense able that a bunch of potheads want.

(More that 2/3'rds of america has tried Marijuana)
A) Don't know. Someone else address it.
B) Yes, they can, as stated several times. Taxes would be in place, giving a lot of profit.
C) Pretty sure the combined price of the sale and the tax would exceed the cost to produce it. That's the core foundation of any business, to make a profit.
D) k...

And no, 2/3 of Americans have not tried marijuana. The actual statistics are less than one third, with different studies ranging from 80 million to 98 million. Note that with over 300 million Americans, that is less than one third. You either had it remembered backwards, or were just making up a statistic.
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Post by Hawaiian Modder »

Actually I was typing to fast. My bad. :P
Thanks lej for the sig.
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