Zits suck!

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Post by -Legendary- »

didnt reed thred, but i herd proactive wuz gud
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Post by DoorM4n »

For everyone who says washing your face gets rid of acne, you must keep in mind people are not the same. I am not exaggerating at all here...I wash my face 3 times a day. In the morning, after school, and before I go to sleep. My face being washed hardly does anything, from what it appears. I put acne cream on, after school and before I go to bed. Every day I wake up, my face clears a few blemishes but my face still breaks out. I have used many different products and the only one I find that truly works is the Clearasil Maximum Strength. (I think thats what its called) I put it on after I was my face and the next day it seems to clear most of my face. I'll get a picture of it.

Looks like this...(pictures thanks to google)

These work for me. Hope I am helping your situation bud.
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Post by 0m3g4Muff1n987 »

Hm. Are there more factors to a face wash than the amount of benzoyl peroxide? Because my dad thinks there's nothing better than Oxy clean because it's got 10% benzoyl peroxide, while this new stuff he got for me (it's called AcneFree) has only 2.5%, so theoretically Oxy should be like the best there is right?

Also, it seems a lot of you guys use clearasil, I might look into that.
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Post by Xero »

I used to have a small problem and it went away over time i used to just wash my face never used any creams or popped any of them if you pop one it can make more if you leave it alone it will go away after a little bit. It's also wise to change your pillow case every day.
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Post by DirtJumper »

use cream based cleanser in the shower, and water based cleansers every once and a while, I have this stuff its strong
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Post by StalkingGrunt911 »

When I use to play football I would get some acne on my cheeks from my football helmet so I used some acne crap that only had 5% of that benzoyl stuff but it worked pretty good. I don't remember the name since I haven't had to use any acne stuff for a while now but it was like $100 for a little jar of it. It worked extremely well and I haven't had any bad ance since, maybe a zit or two here and there but other than that not that bad.

Also, 0m3g4 aren't you only 13 years old? Your probably just now starting puberty. So don't freak out if your getting zits, unless its terrible. A kid in my 2nd period has terrible acne, probably the worst I've ever seen; his face is as red as a strawberry, and has all these huge bumps on his face.
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Post by xlRainlx »

I don't know why but I eat tons of sugar and don't end up with even one zit. I speculate that it's because my mom was a chocoholic when she was small and maybe my body is used to it but I'm not sure. Also, I hear Clearasil is good for acne.
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Post by Ragdoll »

I was roaming youtube when I stumbled upon this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjePFYIi4QE

Just be glad you dont have it as bad as these people >_<
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Post by 0m3g4Muff1n987 »

Wow. Some of those are pretty bad, but I know a few people who have it like some of those milder cases in the vid.

And I started puberty at like age 11, I'm pretty far in the process.
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Post by DoorM4n »

Yo use the Clearasil Maximum Strength. It works very well for me. I ahve used it three times just this week and I have noticed some incredible changes. Do it! :P
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Post by Aumaan Anubis »

I recommend washing your face daily, and using a cream as prescribed by your doctor.

Also, unless they are really white and large, do not pop them. Many articles state that when you pop a zit, the bacteria that it formed from is forced back down into the skin, and then spreads, causing more zits to form.
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Post by Cobain »

i know its already been said, but i use it too.....proactive, i found that it doesn't work if you don't use as directed....i learned that the hard way....its well worth the money.and it doesn't cost much in the first place....and acne will just be apart of your teen life, there is nothing u can do about it.

and not all medications are global...there are different classes of acne, and each needs to be treated differently.for best results anyways.

Closed comedo, or whitehead. If the plugged follicle stays below the surface of the skin, the lesion is called a closed comedo, or whitehead. They usually appear on the skin as small, whitish bumps.

Open comedo, or blackhead. If the plug enlarges and pushes through the surface of the skin, it's called an open comedo, or blackhead. The plug's dark appearance is not due to dirt, but rather to a buildup of melanin, the skin's dark pigment.

Papule. The mildest form of inflammatory acne is the papule, which appears on the skin as a small, firm pink bump. These can be tender to the touch, and are often considered an intermediary step between non-inflammatory and clearly inflammatory lesions

Pustule. Like papules, pustules are small round lesions; unlike papules, they are clearly inflamed and contain visible pus. They may appear red at the base, with a yellowish or whitish center. Pustules do not commonly contain a great deal of bacteria; the inflammation is generally caused by chemical irritation from sebum components such as fatty free acids.

Nodule or Cyst. Large and usually very painful, nodules are inflamed, pus-filled lesions lodged deep within the skin. Nodules develop when the contents of a comedo have spilled into the surrounding skin and the local immune system responds, producing pus. The most severe form of acne lesion, nodules may persist for weeks or months, their contents hardening into a deep cyst. Both nodules and cysts often leave deep scars.

Acne conglobata. This rare but serious form of inflammatory acne develops primarily on the back, buttocks and chest. In addition to the presence of pustules and nodules, there may be severe bacterial infection.

thnx to the proactive website 4 educating me =]

and education, can also be your friend, study this stuff, research it, and get a good understanding, and it will make it much easier to come up with a strategy to eliminate your acne =]

ok now i will also give u my summery on how proactive works...

the first step its washing your face with out soap...just scrub with warm water, and rag.and wile your face is damp u use about a dime sized amount of the renewing cleanser,and massage around your entire face for 1-2 mins...this renewing cleanser had tiny beady which get into your pores and help cleanse it, it will feel a little funny the first time, but u will get used to it.basically this will make your skill squeaky clean...then u rinse off with warm water and pat dry.then comes the toner....now all this is for is to put the moister back into your skin, with the cleanser takes out....u use a cotton pad, and rub around your face...ok now u are moistened up...u wait for it to dry, then u use the "repairing lotion" which is a solution which also included benzyl-peroxide.which will dry out your blemishes, u use very little of this and place directly on blemishes. and go to bed....after all that. you may wake up with big pussy zits...that is because the benzyl peroxide is basically forcing all of the bad bacteria to the surface.its a good thing i guess...you must scrub your face in the morning after this...wile your in the shower or something...then apply the renewing cleanser, and toner like the night b4....repeat these steps day after day, and u will have a remarkable result...

....i really suggest getting it...it may seem like allot...but thats just cause i suck with words =] its 3 simple steps..that make a big difference...=]
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Post by hollow121314 »

i just pop all of mine and they go away like the next day
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Post by 0m3g4Muff1n987 »

And then new ones probably show up quickly, most likely.
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Post by jks »

lol nerds.
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Post by Philly »

Is this a bump? Oh well, I found a cheap remedy. Whilst washing, apply shower gel to the places on your face where shaving foam would usually go, but don't rub it in too much. Then rinse with plety of warm water. This stops the skin from drying out too much, and you feel a lot more clean.
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Post by RaVNzCRoFT »

I've actually heard from a lot of people that toothpaste works very quickly.

Also, popping and irritating acne can cause permanent scarring, so it's best to take care of it with creams and such.

And as I said before, my doctor prescribed a pill called Doxycycline, and it works pretty well.

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Post by Patrickssj6 »

I got homeopathic pills and a cream yesterday...I'll see how it works. Usually I don't go with homeopathic prescriptions but they said it works quite well from experience. :D
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Post by sneakyn8 »

i used to drink a ton of soda but when puberty hit me i turned into a pizza and didnt see the connection until my mom stopped buying sodas and i stopped drinking then and my face cleared up fast but now i have a problem with acne on my shoulder blades and i dont know what i did but thats clearing up really well too and as far as medication goes my brouses this really good stuff that i cant remember the name of but its a pinkish fluid in a clear bottle
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Post by JK-47 »

RaVNzCRoFT wrote:I've actually heard from a lot of people that toothpaste works very quickly.
It does.. But it also makes your face minty fresh, so it gets that burning cold sensation. It's unpleasant.
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