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Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 3:42 pm
by legoboy242

1. how do i open it?

click on the start menu, and select the All Programs button. browse to Microsoft games, and click on Halo Custom Edition. from there, you can axcess all the tools.


imagine sapien as halo itself. do you ever play it while you are browsing the internet, with music playing and AIM or MSN open? i dont. the fact is that sapien runs certain things from the game to function. like physics, and real-time rendering of the level. you will need to close out programs that use exsessive amounts of ram before you open it.

3. ok, i got it to work but how the hell do i move around?!

The table below lists the basic controls and key commands used in Sapien.

Control\Keyboard Key Action\Functionality

Left Mouse Button
Selects objects in the Game Window.

Holding down the Left Mouse Button over and object or object handle and dragging or moving the mouse will move the selected object.

If an object is selected in the Hierarchy view, double clicking on the object in the right pane of the Hierarchy view or window will move the Game Window camera to this object.

Right Mouse Button
Places a new instance of the selected object.

Middle Mouse Button
When the Middle Mouse Button is held while in the Game Window, the camera controls are able to be used.

Mouse Movement Left\Right
When used with the Middle Mouse Button held down, this rotates the camera yaw in the Game Window.

Mouse Movement Up\Down
When used with the Middle Mouse Button held down, this rotates the camera pitch in the Game Window.

When used with the Middle Mouse Button held down, this moves the camera forward in the Game Window.

When used with the Middle Mouse Button held down, this moves the camera backwards in the Game Window.

When used with the Middle Mouse Button held down, this pans the camera left in the Game Window.

When used with the Middle Mouse Button held down, this pans the camera right in the Game Window.

When used with the Middle Mouse Button held down, this moves the camera along the Z-Axis in the positive direction (up) in the Game Window.

When used with the Middle Mouse Button held down, this moves the camera along the Z-Axis in the negative direction (down) in the Game Window.

Tapping the SHIFT key changes the camera movement speed in the Game Window.

Delete the selected the object.

This opens the developer console in the Game Window.

(exerpt from the halo editing reference)

4. wow, thanks. but what are all these windows for?

The Hierarchy window shows the treelist of the map, you can add stuff and whole lotta stuff like that. Selecting a folder will allow you to add stuff in the game view window by right clicking.
The properties window edits how objects are placed and used in a map.
No idea what the output window does.
The tools window edits how objects are placed in the editor itself. Basically an options menu.

(above information by dan!!)

5. ok, how do i open bloodgulch in sapien? theres no scenery file or anything!

maybe you could extract the BSP in sparkedit and make that the level data when you make a new map, if you feel like having 2 bgs at a time.

that concludes this little tidbit of info, I hope this helps all you halo-modders.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 4:01 pm
by frozenflames
Here's another ? ppl are askin

How do u open maps, other that the tutorial, in Sapien?

Sapien was intended for making new levels. Unfortunatly it cannot edit the original maps.

*I quote BEEF!!!

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 4:14 pm
by Danke
The Hierarchy window shows the treelist of the map, you can add stuff and whole lotta stuff like that. Selecting a folder will allow you to add stuff in the game view window by right clicking.
The properties window edits how objects are placed and used in a map.
No idea what the output window does.
The tools window edits how objects are placed in the editor itself. Basically an options menu.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 5:19 pm
by Moltenar
yeah but I closed ALL programs even ones tht run in the background and it STILL crashes! one time it just made the environmental sonds and all the toolbars showed but no image!

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 5:28 pm
by BEEF!!!
It could be your video card... what one do you have?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 7:19 am
by legoboy242
it cant be his card...i mean if he can play halo this should work too. i think there's a function before you open sapien to have it run in safemode.

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 11:24 am
by Kamatzu
Its called a tutorial, and there is a reason its there :roll:

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:35 pm
by 2L8
Yeah, this doesn't even address a problem a few of us are having w/ Sapien.
When goin to open the tutorial scenario, several blank winows open and close in a matter of seconds. It's like it trys to open but then just terminates, but no error messages appear. Nothing else is running so that's not the problem. And my comp far exceeds the system req's. Now that's a problem. Help plz (if ya can). :?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 9:33 pm
by legoboy242
hmm...seems like sapien has problems with certain running systems, or the program itself is registered as spyware...or...i dont know...

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 11:47 pm
by 2L8
I'm posting everywhere to try to figure this out. Not sure but there's one forum with tons of peeps sharing my pain. I DLed it from DLX on gamespot.... anyone else did so too and having trouble? Or no trouble?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 4:14 am
by {IAS}Bunkerking
make shure u have updated drivers

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 6:50 pm
by Monte_Kano
well wut if ur controls for moving wuz double clicking the left mouse button instead of w a s d r f ??

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 12:55 pm
by the sentianal__
oh and if u see a white screen and no game pics the game view is probably minimized.(that happened to me lol)

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 3:38 pm
by Banshee Ace
um let me tell you another step you forgot.

3a. NOOOO, Sapian crashed on me even after I closed down all my programs and I didn't touch my mouse at all while it was initializing!!!

3b. Reinstall HEK and try Sapian again.

3c. If it works good for you.

3d. If it doesn't work after you reinstalled HEK, your halo map maing days are over. (Unles of course you get a better computer)

Um. Im screwed.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:19 pm
by elbat 4
Hey does anyone know how to move objects up and down in sapien instead of just moveing them across the ground?

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:33 pm
by blink 182
There are 3 arrows sticking out from every object. To drag an object up or down, click and hold the red arrow(the one sticking up).

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 2:43 pm
by coodude25
this happened to me and i got it fixed easily. Sapien is a wierd program, and it doesn't like when you do some things, like for me i tried to delete a fog pallet. to correct this problem, open your scenario tag in guerrilla and delete the fog pallet or whatever you did last, then use tool to compile the jms file for your level again (all of your sapien stuff will be saved, but the bsp file will be overwritten with a new blank one) then open sapien up again, and it should work right.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 7:58 pm
by km1990
make sure that ur display is running at 32 bit true color. the same thing happened to me and once i changed to true color 32 bit it worked. im not guaranteeing anything but i hope it works