Ghost flips contest

To upload Halo Movies, either Halo PC or Halo Xbox. Movies must be compressed with winrar or zip. Maximum 5MB/minute of video.
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Ghost flips contest

Post by Patrickh »

I was vigorously slaving away on a PC mod the other day when I got sidetracked and started driving around in a ghost, hitting the tank at different angles and seeing what tricks I could do. Lots of fun. So, I (of course) increased the speed of the ghost, modified it's physics, etc. and started flipping around. I'm sure other people have done this, so I decided to make a competition, where you can make a video of various tricks you can do and whoever's is the best will win (yipee, right?). I've done frontflips and double backflips, but if someone pulls a triple backflip or a double frontflip, that may win them the competition. If nobody participates that's fine, but I hope I inspire at least a few people to unwind from their busy lives and just flip around in a ghost for a while. :wink:
Hope to see some contestants, and happy modding
conure says: or i could jsut incase my shoes in papar mache, followed by my dog
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