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Hunting! (New Request)

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:33 am
by ryan_mckenzie
EDIT: I'd only like to know how to remove all weapons and nades from the game. Even when spawning, the player should hold nothing.
Oh and, does anyone know where I can grab the LONG log in Infinity? I went in there with Sparkedit, and noticed that you can find two logs on the map, a small stubby one, and a long one. I found the small one, but can't seem to find and duplicate the long, so I can build log huts :roll:

Hey everyone. I recently organized this made-up game for Halo, which proved to be a lot of fun when my clan played it last week :D
I'll first, explain my requests, then I'll explain what the game's about.

I'd like to do the following:
1. Perform an action, where if Blue team picks up the flag, the game ends, and blue win.
2. No weapons/nades on the map at all, and you do not start with any weapons.
3. Relocate the Blue flag so it's unreachable.

I'm mainly concerned with how to do number 1. I'm sure 2 + 3 are fairly easy to achieve.
Can anyone point me to any tutorials that may help. Or maybe explain what I can do to achieve this?

Typically played in Infinity, two teams (Red & Blue) partition equally and participate in a hunting game. Blue team have to pick up the opponents flag to win, and Red team (the hunters), have to stop them.

But, the limitations are what makes the game fun.
Blue team, are not aloud to kill at all. They can't use weapons. AND they can only travel by foot, which means no vehicles for them. They are also not aloud to use teleports. So in the typical map of Infinity, it makes getting from blue base to red, a little more challenging, and fun. Fun because it persuades you to use your stealth skills.
Red team, can kill, but only with hogs n' banshees. They typically travel in pairs if an even number. 2 will hunt with a hog. If the team is odd, then one person will hunt with a banshee.

So far..
For Blue team to win: They must pick up the opponents flag (ie, they don't have to deliver it back to base).
For Red team to win: The timer must end.

So we played this game last week with 9 players and we'd like to make it a bi-weekly event on our private server.
I would just like to tighten the rules a little bit, just to make the limitations truly unbreakable.

Re: Hunting!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:43 am
by Altimit01
It's not possible to selectively restrict player capabilities to my knowledge. It may be possible with scripting but that's a discussion for CE more than HPC. A flag pickup causing an instant win isn't possible either without defining new victory conditions. Doing so would be possible but not within the realm of modding. Again with CE it'd probably be possible. Modding though is universally applied and is alteration instead of creation which doesn't seem to be in-line with what you want.

Re: Hunting!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:03 pm
by ryan_mckenzie
Ah, cool I understand.
Well, does anyone know how I can remove all weapons and nades? Even when spawning, I'd like the player to hold nothing.
I'm also trying to find the LONG log in Infinity with sparkedit. Can't seem to find it??