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Having phun in IRC...

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 6:45 pm
by jimmsta
--- Topic for #halomods is |{ Welcome to #HaloMods - The Official IRC Channel for }|{Iron_Forge's new home: }
--- Topic for #halomods set by Grenadiac at Sat Nov 22 18:40:43
<George2372> hello
<happyHarry> hello
<happyHarry> what is it this is?
<George2372> whosawhaa?
<happyHarry> I told that this was a halo site
<Aztec> minions
<Aztec> link
<George2372> yes
<Aztec> to pic
<George2372> Me no know!
<happyHarry> I look for 'jimmsta'
<Aztec> grunt gulch
<Aztec> I forgot it
<J5892> does anyone know where i can upload some pictures?
<George2372> I can set up my FTP
<George2372> it's only temporary
<George2372> or works too.
<J5892> i want to link to them from here
<happyHarry> if anyone know what become of jimmsta please tell
<George2372> I have _no_ clue
<ZexGX> jimmsta? uh...
<ZexGX> last time he was here he said that netpro2k's dad was dying... i think...
<George2372> MOrbid...
<happyHarry> k. I look for his program but not find it yet
<George2372> What's it called?
<ZexGX> what program?
<happyHarry> the windows halo something
<ZexGX> uh.....
<George2372> ?
* ZexGX pushes the button labeled "N00B ALARM"
<George2372> lol
* George2372 runs into the bunker
<happyHarry> wat going on?
--> Cyber (~[email protected]) has joined #halomods
<George2372> lol
<George2372> n00b
<happyHarry> but i wish for this person
<George2372> lol
<Cyber> hey wat the offset for the shotgun
<kornkob> nooooo wheres mace
<George2372> go to IronForges site
<J5892> george, can you put up your ftp?
<George2372> ok
<Cyber> it wont let me download it
<George2372> you odn't have to
<Cyber> how u find it
<happyHarry> what is offset?
<George2372> OMG
<Cyber> nuthin
<Deez_Nutz> is HMT 3 out yet
<George2372> no
<Wraith> ah man
<George2372> Is it?
<Wraith> i got the plug in working for Gmax
<Cyber> its how u mod happyharry
<Deez_Nutz> i dunno im asking
<Wraith> but now the models don't look very good
<George2372> what plugin?
<Wraith> no its not out
<Deez_Nutz> any one have a clue how long it will be
<happyHarry> I saw a picture of people hugging higher in sky
<-- Cyber has quit (Client Quit)
<Wraith> a plugin that will let me open OBJ files, which is the type of files HMT v3 exports models in
--> Cyber (~[email protected]) has joined #halomods
<George2372> COOL
<George2372> Send it to me
<Wraith> im a beta tester
<Wraith> ; P
<George2372> lol
<George2372> whore
<Deez_Nutz> oh you suck
<Deez_Nutz> j/k
<Wraith> mwuhaha
<Cyber> ok how do i get the offset for the shotgun help any1
<happyHarry> k. I know what that jimmsta was. WinHaloME?
<Wraith> use an offset list...
<Cyber> where is it on the web site
<Cyber> dont see it
<Cyber> where thge offset list
<George2372> omg
<Deez_Nutz> ohi just posted a pic didnt know you were looking for something
--- giantnewb|away is now known as giantnewb
<Wraith> Cyber
<happyHarry> where can i find this winHaloMe?
<happyHarry> i tried it no good
<Deez_Nutz> ?
<Cyber> god 8 min to download
<George2372> I r cunfoosed
<Wraith> we all are
<Cyber> gordge shut up
* WaLKa is teh confuzledzorz
<happyHarry> i see this N- person. he does know jimmsta maybe
<ZexGX> its not HaloME
<Deez_Nutz> is there i can read up on what HMT 3 will offer
<WaLKa> umm no
<ZexGX> its Halo Map Expander, jesus....
<Wraith> no
<WaLKa> but you can ask me
<Deez_Nutz> ok what does it offer
<WaLKa> but iwon't answer
<Cyber> asl every1
<Deez_Nutz> thanks
<WaLKa> cuz its a n00b q
<Wraith> Deez_Nutz, lets just say it will be good
<Wraith> better than you can imagine
<WaLKa> it will own you
<Cyber> halo map expander wat that
<George2372> omg
<Deez_Nutz> halo already owns me its fucking crack!
<Wraith> lol
<happyHarry> this halo map expander, is it what i want?
<George2372> I pwn you all
* WaLKa ownz everyoen
<Aztec> All Go Here- - -
<Cyber> u on crack gordge
<George2372> No, I will not cyber with you
* WaLKa isn't owned by mc suit man
<Wraith> nice job Aztec
<Aztec> damn right
<Wraith> does it talk?
<Aztec> textures still of a bit tho...
<Wraith> lol
<George2372> NICE
<Aztec> yes, when it dies
<WaLKa> how did..
<WaLKa> you//
<George2372> That is kewl
<Aztec> not really talk
<WaLKa> ..
<Aztec> but WAAAAHH!
* WaLKa hugs aztec
<Deez_Nutz> NICE JOB
<happyHarry> ok. so i touch it then it downloads me into it yes?
<Wraith> wanna test it together?
<tjc2k4> HMTv3 will own all baby.. :o
<Wraith> then it might talk if we shoot each other
<Wraith> indeed
* WaLKa thought it needed to have the same number of veritces
<Cyber> that gay grunts suck u should have id gold elites
<Aztec> k Ill start sending it over wraith
<Deez_Nutz> aztek did you do that with HMT
<tjc2k4> ... that's different Walka
<Deez_Nutz> 2
<Deez_Nutz> 3
<happyHarry> what is this MHT?
<Cyber> have*
* kornkob saw the link to d/l the newest HMT but just shrugged
<Deez_Nutz> HMT 3
<Wraith> Cyber, lets see YOU do it
<Aztec> cyber, eat my ass
<Wraith> STFU
--> YourNick (~[email protected]) has joined #halomods
<Deez_Nutz> wtf do you consider a newb
<George2372> GAH!
<tjc2k4> Grr
<Deez_Nutz> noob
<YourNick> anyone know anything about the halo traner
<George2372> gawd
<xorange> uh
<George2372> shut
<George2372> the
<YourNick> trainer*
<George2372> fuck
<George2372> up
<kornkob> having deez_nutz as a nickname kinda gives u away as being a newb :p
<WaLKa> *dies of hart failure*
<giantnewb> newb what where?!
<WaLKa> heart
<Cyber> i consider a newbie some1 who never moded befor
<George2372> I CONSIDER YOU A N00B
<-- YourNick has quit (Client Quit)
<Wraith> not necessarily
<happyHarry> i touch it then it works me, yes?
<WaLKa> ^^ IS A NOOB
<Deez_Nutz> and kornkob means what
<WaLKa> ^^ IS A NOOB
<Cyber> fag
<Deez_Nutz> yup
<George2372> "i touch it then it works me"? omg
<Wraith> stfu dude
<WaLKa> tjc
<George2372> someone log this happyHarry guy
<George2372> he's funny
<kornkob> kk doesnt mean anything
<Wraith> you probably don't even know who these people are
<Deez_Nutz> means your gay
<kornkob> i like to think its a lil original tho
<kornkob> LOL
<Cyber> reox u no how to use the offset list
<WaLKa> you get that email i sent you tjc?
<Deez_Nutz> yea original and gay
<kornkob> hey guys... im gay.... deez nutz said so
<happyHarry> but these offsets are good for me?
<George2372> someone kick these n00bs
<George2372> except for happyHarry
<George2372> he's funnjy
* giantnewb leaves room
<happyHarry> shit no.. It's actually jimmsta!!!
<Wraith> well
<George2372> ...
<George2372> wtf?
<Wraith> you're definitely a n00b Deez_nutz
* happyHarry picks up a cookie from the floor
<Cyber> i made a sniper rifel that soots rokets and doesnt leave a trail
<Cyber> shoot*
<George2372> so?
<George2372> you're still a n00b
<happyHarry> just fuckin with you... hehe
* Iron_Forge concur's with Deez_Nutz... ;oP
<Deez_Nutz> george you are the most anoying of them all
<happyHarry> that took a lot of hard work
<Cyber> its tight
<George2372> I like cheese muffins
<Cyber> wat did
<George2372> brb
<Cyber> the sniper rifle
<happyHarry> i touch me in this room, yes?
<xorange> er...
<Deez_Nutz> ugh
<kornkob> what is this forge, u just come by when someone makes fun of someone else cuz u cant think of anything original to say urself, u just sit back and wait to jump on somoene elses bandwagon
<WaLKa> LIST OF NOOBS -->>>! enixn ( i think ) raz0r|vb, Deez_Nutz, Wizzel, Reox, wyvez, happyHarry (but hess koo he can stay) Cyber, and not me
<WaLKa> Nah
<Wraith> Wizzel: no
<happyHarry> whoa... myr xchat almost died
<WaLKa> not wizzle
<Deez_Nutz> not a noob 2 mods are out there by me
<WaLKa> my bad
<Cyber> uno that offset thin it says cannot open help
<kornkob> what mods deez
<Cyber> thing*
<happyHarry> ok. no, i not jimmsta. just copy words from other chat
<WaLKa> we need a new chan.. to many noobs, can''t hear myself type
<happyHarry> mods are good thing?
<Cyber> that a tight pic
<Deez_Nutz> thanks
<kornkob> texture injection and u moved a tree? nice pic but still
<Deez_Nutz> waht you got
<Cyber> u no how to get and use the offset list Deez_nutz
<kornkob> texture injection... oh wait, i rmemeber writing an app for that.... and moving a tree, im guessing with sparkedit... oh wait, i remember i wrote that code too
... Yes, despite the fact that no one questioned it, I wasted everyone's time. This just goes to show you how much time I have to waste any given day.... I hate myself for this. I'm sorry to kornkob, Cyber, WaLKa, but not Deez_Nutz... he's a super-n00b.