Teaching a friend C# and this is what I get

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Teaching a friend C# and this is what I get

Post by DrXThirst »

Well, earlier today, I had a friend at my house and he was watching me make a program. After he left and got home, he sent me an IM asking me to teach him how to code. So, after explaining how to download C# and install it (He's a nubcake), I taught him how to use a messagebox and a timer. He asks me a few minutes later how to use a Trackbar, and so I explain it.

After a few minutes, he sends me another IM asking me to test his app. So, I accepted this transfer (Download) and opened it.

When it completed, I was amused but at the same time I had the feeling like I had helped my little 5 year old nephew and then he hit me in the arm. You know the feeling? lol

Ridiculous. haha.
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Post by WaeV »

Albeit a light punch. :roll:
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Aumaan Anubis

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Post by Aumaan Anubis »


Simple Virus.exe

Great program name.
Tural wrote:MrMurder, we're going to hold you to that promise.
It is expected, and demanded.
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Post by Tural »

a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer; "a true virus cannot spread to another computer without human assistance"
A replicating code segment that attaches itself to a program or data file.
computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user.
a computer program that is usually hidden within another seemingly innocuous program and that produces copies of itself and inserts them into other programs and usually performs a malicious action (as destroying data)
You, or your friend, does not know what a virus is.
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Post by DrXThirst »

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