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Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:07 pm
by JacksonCougAr
Grim's done a substantial amount of research.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:12 pm
by -DeToX-
JacksonCougAr wrote:Grim's done a substantial amount of research.
Your point being?

I mapped a shitload of Halo 3/ODST, and a bit of Halo 2. And helped out with some Halo 1 shit even, but that wasn't publicized, but it helped some people who actually did research..

I'm not saying he doesn't entirely deserve what he has. Just not the level he had. I infact even stated he should have what he has, just not on such a big scale.

Grims a good guy and actually knows what the hell he's doing.. I'm glad he's on this site.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:13 pm
by Aumaan Anubis
Crazy stuff.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:15 pm
by DeadHamster
Oh my. What's this heart thing for? I think I've heard it's for helping people?

And yeah, there seems to be a lot being handed out, but I think it's more catching up.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:16 pm
by grimdoomer
-DeToX- wrote:
JacksonCougAr wrote:Grim's done a substantial amount of research.
Your point being?

I mapped a shitload of Halo 3/ODST, and a bit of Halo 2. And helped out with some Halo 1 shit even, but that wasn't publicized, but it helped some people who actually did research..

I'm not saying he doesn't entirely deserve what he has. Just not the level he had. I infact even stated he should have what he has, just not on such a big scale.

Grims a good guy and actually knows what the hell he's doing.. I'm glad he's on this site.
Thanks, I appreciate it. Especially since it was you who got me started on the right path.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:20 pm
by -DeToX-
In addition I find it weird Grimdoomer doesnt have atleast one chevron plugin/researchers emblem. I find it weird Im having to say this.. Seeing as its not a democracy, but whoever is giving out emblems really should be looking into the right choices more or so.

But who knows maybe theyre new...

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:22 pm
by Tural
Said person should have given consideration to the creator of the emblem system, as well as the past emblem givers, rather than taking all of the responsibility on themselves with, apparently, little insight in to how it used to work, and how it worked well. What's with people seemingly ignoring how things used to work correctly before the changing of admins? The people who ran the site are still here, they can still be consulted before changing crap. Not being staff doesn't mean they're idiots or something, they still have valuable information and insight, they did control the site for a long time, they know the ins and outs of it. A little more consideration for the community in these sorts of decisions would be nice. (Community here being the emblem designer and the team of people who gave them out, I'm broadening the statement, it's not specific to this situation entirely.) The first thing this/these new person/people did was make a mistake on the assignment of emblems, and many of the people who used to work with emblems had quite a bit to say about that. They could try asking around first.

It's also pleasant that the previous emblem administrators were stripped of those powers with no warning or reason. They were chosen by the designer for a specific reason, and now they're being kicked out with no regard for them, the intentions of the emblem system, the designer's wishes, etc. Fuck you, emblem givers who were hand chosen by the person who created the entire system.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:36 pm
by -DeToX-
Tural wrote:It's also pleasant that the previous emblem administrators were stripped of those powers with no warning or reason. They were chosen by the designer for a specific reason, and now they're being kicked out with no regard for them, the intentions of the emblem system, the designer's wishes, etc. Fuck you, emblem givers who were hand chosen by the person who created the entire system.
If the emblem control panel is indeed fixed, and this is true, then the people who did control the emblems must be suffering a big kick in the arse..

I'd assume it's true seeing as just judging by how the emblems are being given out, it's either one person working with a broken emblem panel, so original people can't use it, or it's a couple of new inexperienced people that are making some big mistakes.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:37 pm
by Tural
Even if it isn't fixed, people can obviously assign emblems somehow. And if it's possible for them to do it, it's entirely possible to just fix the emblem control panel and give the power back to those who had it. They had it for a reason.

Again, we're at the problem where people who should know about these things are being completely left in the dark. Constantly we see this. The community is shut out of many changes, the emblem admins are shut out of emblem changes, the emblem creator is even shut out of the changes. Why with all this secrecy, and when questioned, everyone is either ignored or told to shut up? This isn't a good way to maintain a community of happy members...

I'd guess that the emblem system isn't fixed correctly, how it should have been, and that's why the previous people don't have their power back. (I'd like to think they don't have power because they can't, not because someone chose to take their power away...) If this is the case, nobody should be giving them out until it's fully functional. Honestly, toss some power to someone who can fix it, there are several people who would be capable of making it work like it used to, like it's supposed to. (Hell, I bet I could do it, all it would take is moderate PHP knowledge and the ability to listen...) It just seems like everything is made so convoluted and bothersome when many of the issues have simpler fixes.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:49 pm
by -DeToX-
Hell I'm sure even their own staff member Anthony can do it. Iron_Forge clearly stated anyone could easily do it.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:50 pm
by Tural
Indeed. Seriously anyone who is actually willing to talk to Iron_Forge could easily determine and fix the problem. Apparently actually asking the creator is a bit too much to consider though. Give someone 30 minutes of FTP access while Iron_Forge is on AIM and you'd have a working emblem system.

Well I'm done bitching here. We're not seeing any change, comment, admission, answers, etc. Surprised? Me neither.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:29 pm
by kibito87
Did anybody notice the one emblem...that I think Grim got is renamed? Unless I haven't seen it in so long. But I swear it used to be named something else...

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:31 pm
by Tural
Always been System Engineer.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:44 pm
by Cuda
I gotta say, It's good to see the emblems working finally, and I could also say the emblems being given to people that ruins he meaning as stated above but damn, the "Ditto" emblem is the queerest shit this side of the rockies.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:20 am
by SourceGuy
Well, this is an interesting situation. Here's my version of how things went.

For all those complainers out there: I asked IF numerous times in a very friendly manner to help me out with the emblem system (before the relaunch ), but he told me that it was my site and my problem now, and that he didn't enjoy coding. I got this reply every time I asked IF to help me out, although we were on good terms. I managed to get things working to an extent - old emblems displayed, but I never got to the emblem control panel. Now I can hand out and revoke emblems by manually editing the sql database, but that is a very tedious process and it's not feasible to give 20 people access to that.
Note that no emblems are given out without proper justification: The descriptions of all emblems came with the emblem system and they are being given out to the right people. If you think they're given to the wrong people, you've probably got the meaning of the emblem wrong.

About the emblems: Not all emblems stand for very positive things. Sometimes they have a meaning that is more in the grey area between positive and negative. Also, don't get the idea that I'm the one giving out all the emblems now: I just edit the database. I'm sorry for being mysterious about these things, but I obviously can't tell you guys everything. To the old emblem holders: I would've kept you on, but I didn't manage to fix things up - and IF wouldn't help me. Tough luck, you got replaced. The new guys are doing their job very well and know exactly who deserve which emblem, so things turned out fine.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:08 am
by -DeToX-
SourceGuy wrote:Well, this is an interesting situation. Here's my version of how things went.

For all those complainers out there: I asked IF numerous times in a very friendly manner to help me out with the emblem system (before the relaunch ), but he told me that it was my site and my problem now, and that he didn't enjoy coding. I got this reply every time I asked IF to help me out, although we were on good terms. I managed to get things working to an extent - old emblems displayed, but I never got to the emblem control panel. Now I can hand out and revoke emblems by manually editing the sql database, but that is a very tedious process and it's not feasible to give 20 people access to that.
Note that no emblems are given out without proper justification: The descriptions of all emblems came with the emblem system and they are being given out to the right people. If you think they're given to the wrong people, you've probably got the meaning of the emblem wrong.

About the emblems: Not all emblems stand for very positive things. Sometimes they have a meaning that is more in the grey area between positive and negative. Also, don't get the idea that I'm the one giving out all the emblems now: I just edit the database. I'm sorry for being mysterious about these things, but I obviously can't tell you guys everything. To the old emblem holders: I would've kept you on, but I didn't manage to fix things up - and IF wouldn't help me. Tough luck, you got replaced. The new guys are doing their job very well and know exactly who deserve which emblem, so things turned out fine.
SG. I really expected atleast different from you in this situation..

You're now replacing the original people, without telling them at all, and saying the new people are perfectly fine, when they already have screwed up in different ways. With errors still not fixed.. I'm not bitching so much as asking, why don't you find someone else to fix the control panel for it, and give the original people back their powers? They did better than the people who have the powers now. To say they're doing good just because you picked them and you think they're doing fine I'd say is wrong, because you shouldn't be the one judging that, if the COMMUNITY has to tell you you're doing it wrong, then something is wrong. Hell even Grim admitted he shouldn't have an emblem he got. And Veegie still has that emblem, which he also has no reason to have.. A good example of a person giving out an emblem who doesn't exactly know what they're doing..

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:59 am
by Geo
Having not seen the actual definitions, and going on theories and assumptions, you don't actually know that the people that have received the new emblems didn't deserve them, according to the definitions found in the emblem CP.

It's actually made this situation quite amusing, because I've watched and listened to people bitching about some people getting certain emblems, when the emblem hasn't been even in the slightest what they think it's about. A good example of this was -DeToX- moaning about grim getting the third chevron, when he only had two... -DeToX- didn't even have that emblem, let alone two chevrons, and then he based it on a theory of it being for plugins, which was absolutely incorrect.

The point of my post is, now that I know a few more of the emblems actual definitions, I must say, you might want to research what the emblem is actually for before you moan about who's got it... because on the past couple of pages, some people have been dead wrong with that they thought it was for.

And I got a new emblem, so, ya know, it's not all bad. ^_^ j/k

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:43 am
by Tural
Why aren't we fixing the emblem system how it should be fixed?..
You're talking about it being tedious to do, but when you have people capable of fixing it, why not get it fixed?.. Now it seems like even if you do get it fixed, you're still axing the old emblem givers. Great PR there.
Again, everything is convoluted and unnecessary.
Geo wrote:you don't actually know that the people that have received the new emblems didn't deserve them
Grim was given ONI.
Iron_Forge even called it out as being wrong.
Grim's ONI was removed.
Someone had fucked up, and it got fixed. A mistake was made, and people did know...

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:53 am
by -DeToX-
Yeah Grim doesn't fit ONI at all.

And his 3^ made no sense.

And Veegie's ONI makes no sense aswell.. Which I haven't said yet because I knew you guys would moan saying the job's being done fine.

And Geo when I first looked at it I thought it was plugins, I quickly scanned. Regardless he shouldn't have 3^ programming or Plugin. I know what every emblem's definition is.. I just quickly looked and thought he had the 3^ of the Miner emblem, before i noticed it was the 7th Column..

and furthermore, I find it disrespectful you say I'm moaning about shit.. I'm just stating.. And then when I say you're a dick to me you wonder why I say it.

Re: Emblem Discussions

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:13 am
by Geo
You were moaning though, that's not opinion, it's fact.