Tutorial:Making things invisible(HPC)

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Tutorial:Making things invisible(HPC)

Post by babelfish »

Sorry if this has been posted before or is already known. Just for the people who don't know ;)
*I am using Photoshop 7.0 and HMTv3.5*
-some sort of painting program(paintshop or photoshop)
-*.dds plugin for photoshop(or possibly also paintshop maybe)
-56 plugins for HMTv3.5
O.k. when you have all those open up the HMT.
Step 1: Open up bloodgulch.map(or any other map this is just what I use)

Step 2: Go into "bitmaps" by clicking the + sign.

Step 3: Chose the bitmap that you want to be edited, I chose the warthog. (warthog/bitmaps/warthog is what it should look like) Something like the banshee would be banshee/bitmaps/banshee.

Step 4: You should see the banshee texture to the right of HMT, click the black bar that says "save texture", save as whatever you want but have it as a *.dds file format, save to your desktop.

Step 5: Open up Photoshop 7 and open the new bitmap that you just saved and *****SELECT NO!!!!!***** when it asks if you want to show the mip maps.

Step 6: Unlock the background layer by double click where it has the name "background" and rename it to "Background". This unlocks the layer.( I don't know how this works I guess Photoshop is just special like that)

Step 7: Now select the box tool and select the entire bitmap(just go over the edge it selects it perfectly :))

Step 8: Select the magic wand tool and "cut pixles" (in photoshop the shortcut is CTRL+ALT+U)and you should end up with a checkerbox pattern of gray and white. If not you either didn't use the right tool or didn't unlock the background. You need to unlock the background.

Step 8: Save this new bitmap as a *****NEW NAME!!!!!!***** or it will overwrite the other one and you won't have a backup and will need to re-install HaloPC. Save as a *.dds on the desktop. When it brings you the options to select the dxts or whatever, select "dxt 1 (1 bit alpha)" and check the box that says "generate mip maps"(it should be somewhere under where you selected the dxt)
And finally save. Also somewhere during the steps that you save it gives you a message saying that the bitmap will show up black or something. Ignore this. It WILL show up black in HMT but in game it will be invisible.

Step 9: Open up HMT and go to the map you wanted to edit.

Step 10: Go into the bitmaps part like before and find you way to the bitmap that you saved near the first step.

Step 11: When you have the bitmap opened up, click the black box under "save texture" that says "inject texture".

Step 12: Click the button at the top that says "save" *****NOT SAVE TEXTURE!!!!***** and close HMT. You need to close HMT to play your map. If you don't close it, the map still being used in HMT will be shadded over and you won't be able to play it.

Step 13: Play your map and get in your newly skinned(or not skinned) vehicle.

Hint: I STRONGLY suggest that you skin the banshee because it is easy to find since it is on top of the bases. If you do something like a ghost or warthog, it'll take you time to find it. Also for the warthog and such you need to skin multiple parts(i think 4-6) because it has a gunner, tires, control pannel, antennae, etc.

I hope this tutorial was of some use to you all and Happy(almost) Halloween!

I am the 14,229th member to register at halomods. And 14229 is my lucky number.
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Post by RaVNzCRoFT »

There's a much easier way to do this (swap the bitmap with levels/a10/bitmaps/cryoglass). And yes, it's been posted before. But thanks anyway.

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Post by babelfish »

Oh...sowee >< just thought I'd post my ideas :P
Oh and btw is there a way to take out the sun with one of these methods? I'm skinning bloodgulch(won't say how because people will take my idea ;D) and I'm making it nighttime. I have all of the night things except having the sun in there is kind of akward. How do I take it out, and is there a way to make the ground, objects in bloodgulch darker so it doesn't look like a dark baseball field with the spotlights on?
Thanks :P
I am the 14,229th member to register at halomods. And 14229 is my lucky number.

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Post by fbiibf »

nice but not nice cuz it was mine!!!!!! i know where you live in seven days ill get out of the mirror and kill you unless you delete it the walls will ooze blood and i have no nose ill just kill you
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