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School Day Calculator

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:47 pm
by Andrew_b
Readme wrote:Coded and Designed by: Andrew_b

Heres what the app does:

Weeks total of school (X):
This is simply the week number from when you when you end. (41 at my school)
Week currently going (Y):
The week number that you are currently on. (As of April 8th, the week number is 34)
Day numbers (Z):
Monday = 0
Tuesday = 1
Wednesday = 2
Thrusday = 3
Friday = 4
Some information:
Current Date: April 8th, 2008
End Of School: May 23
Current Week of school: 34
Total Weeks: 41
Day: Tuesday (1)
Structure of the equation:
((7-2)X) - ((7-2)Y) - Z
((5)X) - ((5)Y) - Z
Let’s use todays information and plug it into the equation:
((7-2)41) - ((7-2)34) - 1
((5)41) - ((5)34) -1

We get: 34. Count on a calender to may 23rd and it should be 34 days.
Remember: This works for all weeks, but does not exclude weeks we are off of school. Always be sure to get the day numbers right. Monday MUST equal 0 and Friday MUST equal 4. ... einfo.html

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:52 pm
by Tural
Too many user inputs.
Get the time from their system.
Give a calendar. Have them set the end date.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:35 pm
by Andrew_b
Ok still learning. This works good however :D. I only have 29 days of school left :P

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:50 pm
by preston566
:shock: Little Bored today? Nice though!